Assignment 5A – Identifying Local Opportunities

Jaylynn Rivchin
September 13, 2019
Story #1
"Water main break closes major South Florida causeway"-Sun Sentinel September 13, 2019
On Thursday night, there was a main water break that has caused a rupture in a major causeway in South Florida. This rupture has not been fixed and has caused traffic going in both directions. Construction workers have been able to fix the water damage but the rupture still is causing traffic in South Florida.
The problem presented in the story is the traffic that is developing due to this major rupture. South Florida on a normal day has heavy traffic but this incident has made it 10 times worse.
Those who need to use the causeway to get from one place to another are being affected by this rupture until it is fixed.
Story #2
"Fort Lauderdale water treatment plant could fail in major storms, cutting off water to hundreds of thousands of customers"- Sun Sentinel September 13, 2019
This past weekend many areas of South Florida and mainly the Bahamas were hit by a category 5 storm named Hurricane Dorian. While intense hurricanes are not uncommon for the residents of Florida, this uncovered that the city's main Fiveash Water Treatment Plant is not in good shape at all. The city manager stated that there is no back up plan in place if the plant were to get damaged and could leave hundreds of thousands of people left with no water.
The problem presented in the story is the possibility of having no water once another major hurricane hits and the unstable structure of South Florida's main water plant.
Those who reside in South Florida could possibly be affected by this during the next hurricane season.
Story #3
Hurricane Dorian cancelled the school day, but not the work day. Where the 1-day camps are.-Sun Sentinel September 2, 2019
Days prior to a category 5 storm Dorian potentially hitting South Florida, Miami-Date County public schools cancelled classes on Tuesday. Since the school day is cancelled and the work day is not, local parks are giving working parents the option of a child care service for the day.
The problem presented in the story is the schedules of students and working parents. Although school was cancelled some parents cannot take off work.
Those who have children enrolled in these public schools and have to work on the days that school was cancelled were affected.
Story #4
Check your route, drivers. A major Fort Lauderdale bridge is closing for a month. -Sun Sentinel September 9, 2019
A 38-year-old bridge will be closing due to renovations in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, this will cause traffic for those who are traveling between Las Olas and South Fifth Street.
The problem presented is the traffic that will be caused during this month while the main bridge will be under renovations.
Those who regularly use the bridge to travel from one place to another will be affected by these renovations.
The Everglades Burmese python might finally meet its match, if this agency gets it's way- Sun Sentinel September 11, 2019
The Burmese python has lurked the Everglades for years now, but an agency wants to double the amount of snake hunters in the area to expand its Python Elimination Program.
The problem presented in this story is the amount of Pythons that reside in the Everglades and the dangers that they bring.
Those who will be affected are the Pythons themselves since the agency plans to double the amount of snake hunters in the area.
