14A- Halfway Reflection
1. What are the behaviors that you have used (or developed) to keep up with the requirements of this course?
a. Behaviors that I have developed throughout this course are being able to relate and enjoy each of the assignments. This course is structured in a way to break down thought processes and develop ideas. During the course I have noticed that I enjoy having to think out of the box, conduct research, and elaborate on my ideas. I also enjoy reading other’s posts and hearing about ideas. Reading other people’s post show me how different and creative our though processes are. Seeing other people’s creativity encourages and inspires me to improve and think out of the box.
2. Talk about a moment or two when you felt like "giving up." What pulled you through? Do you feel like you've developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months? What experience or experiences most contributed to this?
a. The transition from high school to college was difficult to adjust to for me. The courses I took in high school were very generic because that was all that was offered. Adjusting to different types of courses and different ways of learning/studying was definitely a challenge but what pulled me through was realizing that I am here for a reason. I am so grateful to go to a school that offers such a wide span of topics and sources for me to grow and learn. I feel like I am developing a tenacious attitude as the courses get more interesting and I understand more topics. Since we are halfway into the course I understand how to complete assignments for specific courses and am learning more in depth information rather than the basic starting information.
3. What are three tips you would offer next semester's student about (1) fostering the skills that support tenacity and (2) developing the 'tenacious mindset' ?
a. Stay on track. Staying on track of your assignments helps not only with your grade but your own mindset. Rather than waiting until last minute and giving half effort into an assignment, stay on track and complete the assignment with effort.
b. Think out of the box. This course is designed to test your mind and push yourself. When brainstorming ideas, you should be creative and think of things that haven’t been done. Starting off the course being innovative helps you thrive in the assignments.
c. Try to relate. Try to relate to the topics that you are working on, it makes the assignments easier to do. Relating to the topics help you be passionate on what you are talking about. Rather than thinking of the assignments as homework, if you relate to them they can be work that you enjoy doing.

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