Assignment 2A- Bug List

Jaylynn Rivchin
Friday, August 30, 2019

Assignment 2A- Bug List

1.    People who walk extremely slow in public places.
a.    When in a public place, for example, a mall, people tend to walk extremely slow when everyone else has a consistent pace. This is a bug because it frustrates people when they are trying to get to a certain store but get stuck behind an individual walking extremely slow.
2.    People who chew with their mouths open.
a.    People tend to chew with their mouths open when they are very hungry or just simply forget that they are chewing their food with their mouths open to people sitting with or near them.
3.    People who will not respond when they are being spoken to because they are on their phone.
a.    There are some phone calls or text messages that are very important to attend to but a simple “Hold on, I need to answer this” is fine. When I catch myself talking to one of my friends and notice they are completely ignoring what I am saying due to being distracted by their phone I easily get annoyed.
4.    Individuals who send multiple short text messages rather than one concise text message.
a.    Rather than sending 5 text messages and making a phone chime 5 times, people could put all the texts into one big text.
5.    When people neglect the use of blinkers when switching lanes.
a.    Not only are people putting themselves in danger when they do not use their turning signals, they are putting everyone else on the road in danger.
6.    When one of my roommates decides to eat or drink something of mine.
a.    It’s fine when one of my roommates runs out of something and replaces what they have used but when I notice that something of mine is gone and none of my roommates have told me they have taken it, it frustrates me.
7.    When one of my roommates forgets/doesn’t lock our door once they’ve come back inside.
a.    I believe that my front door should always be unlocked, regardless if other people do not lock their apartment at night. Being in college and living far from home, I think that it is dangerous to leave my door unlocked all through the night.
8.    When people talk very loud on the phone in public places.
a.    It is understandable when an individual is at home and talk loudly when they are on the phone but in a public place, I believe it is common courtesy to lower your voice so everyone around does not hear your conversation.
9.    Attempting to get in contact with a specific associate/worker but automatically being directed to a automatic carrier.
a.    There a lot of companies that have this phone system and it gets very frustrating when you are calling for a specific question but none of the prerecorded information answers the question.
10.  Placing an online order at a restaurant for a specific time but the food is not ready by that time.
a.    This is a bug because when I place an order for food, I expect it to be ready for the specific time that it was planned for rather than 10+ minutes later.
11.  Being late in general to anything.
a.    This is a big bug to me, I always like to be early to anything to take precaution for anything that could happen. The best piece of advice I’ve been given is if you are on time you are already late.
12.  Having to be in a car as a passenger and the driver is texting or occupied by their phone.
a.    This not only puts the driver and the passenger in danger, but it also puts the other people on the road in danger. 
13.  When people borrow an article of clothing but never return it or return it but not in its original form.
a.    When I let someone borrow my clothes, I expect it to be returned in the same shape and form that it was given in.
14.  When people leave their dirty dishes or old food in the sink.
a.    This grosses me out when the sink is a open space in my kitchen, I do not want to be sitting at my counter eating and seeing day old food.
15.  When people do not say thank you when holding the door open for them
a.    Holding the door open for someone is not something that an individual need to do but is an act of kindness when it is done, when others do not thank them I believe that it is rude.
16.  When people obnoxiously drive over the speed limit and disregard the fact that there is other people on the road as well.
a.    There is a speed limit for a reason and everyone on the road took the same drivers test, when people neglect the rules of the road it puts everyone on the road in danger.
17.  When people ignore a message you have sent but instead respond by asking for something else, completely ignoring your previous text.
a.    It is understandable when people simply forget about a previous text they got but if others completely ignore what was said before and continue to a totally different topic I think it is a bug.
18.  When people are rude to others or trying to pick fights for no reason.
a.    I believe this is very immature when individuals try to pick fights with others because there is no point in starting a fight to begin with.
19.  When one of my roommates leaves their laundry in the washer/dryer for more than a day.
a.    It is understandable that everyone needs to do their laundry but living with 4 other girls, others need to be mindful that everyone in the apartment needs to do their laundry.
20.  When people try talking to me during movies or when music is playing.

a.    I think that when people try to talk over the movie or the music being played it gets very hectic, this could be solved by simply telling the other individual to push pause.

When I first started this assignment, I thought this was going to be difficult until I. realized that there are many bugs. I think that many people do not realize how many things "bug" them. While I was completing this assignment I found it much easier to list things because I was just thinking of things that personally annoy me and I know annoys others. After watching the videos and paying closer attention to what bugs me, it was a lot easier to make my list and explain the meanings.
