
Create a Customer Avatar

Customers for my product can be any one who is meets the age requirement for driving a vehicle. The avatar that I provided is a college student who has her car at school with her. Her hobbies include volunteering at the local hospital. The car that this avatar drives is a 2015 Jeep Wrangler, she has this car because it is high up from the ground and can endure any sorts of weather. Since she volunteers at the local hospital, she is driving to and from the hospital every day/night, sometimes her volunteer hours end up being very late. The problem with her vehicle is that she has a older model so there is no parking sensors or even a back up camera. She constantly catches herself being very cautious of the road but gets distracted when her phone blows up or important calls come through. She would definitely benefit from this product.
The avatar and I are both college students with our cars with us. Not every college student has their car when they are at college. Another thing I have in common is the type of car that she drives. The difference is that I have the newer model that comes with CarPlay. This feature allows me to see text messages on my dashboard without even having to pick up my phone.


  1. Hello Jaylynn,
    I think you did a great job in creating an avatar for the prototypical customer of your product. I can relate a little bit to the avatar as I also have my car on campus and have to be extra cautious when I drive because I know that some drivers get distracted by their phone notifications. My car does not contain parking sensors or a back-up camera so I can definitely relate to the alertness and attention that is necessary to safely operate a vehicle that does not contain those new modern safety features.


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